Published inThe Cult of FoolsCult of Fools Weekly (Mar 8, 2025) — “Tariff Whiplash”Here is this week’s summary of fallout from the bizarre and crazy actions of the orange one and his cult of disciples2d ago62d ago6
Published inScience and Critical ThinkingNew GOP Law in Iowa Banning ChemtrailsYes, Iowa really are drafting a law to ban something that does not actually exist — Chemtrails.5d ago125d ago12
Published inThe Cult of FoolsCult of Fools Weekly (Mar 2, 2025) — “Trump policy: Putin First”Zelenskyy, the George Washington of Ukraine & one of the most heroic men alive, sat through a shouted (televised) lecture by 2 of the…Mar 27Mar 27
Published inScience and Critical ThinkingAre you being conned by fake news, do you reject real news?There is a new psychological study that reveals something truly fascinating about how strongly held political beliefs trump truth.Feb 269Feb 269
Published inThe Cult of FoolsCult of Fools Weekly (Feb 23, 2025) — “Turd Reich Updates”Here are the latest updates regarding the chaos being unleashed by the incompetent turd reich during the past week.Feb 233Feb 233
Published inScience and Critical Thinking“Intelligent Design” mandate … pops up in new billIntelligent Design, the pseudoscience that pretends to be real science, is once again trying to get into schools. We have been here before.Feb 1920Feb 1920
Published inThe Cult of FoolsCult of Fools Weekly (Feb 16, 2025) — “Tax Increases for you to reduce taxes for the rich”So much is happening so quickly is it challenging to track all the weird lunacy unfolding. Here is my attempt to sum up the past week.Feb 166Feb 166
Fired for Preaching Anti-Trump messageWhy did a progressive pastor in North Carolina who consistently preached a strong anti-Trump, pro-trans, pro-BLM message get fired?Feb 1216Feb 1216
Published inThe Cult of FoolsCult of Fools Weekly (Feb 9, 2025) — “Elon-Gate”It is not a “new administration”. What is unfolding is wanton destruction, a coup, by deeply malicious and incompetent policital fanatics.Feb 98Feb 98
How the Catholic Church is still Protecting Child AbusersIf an abuser confesses to a priest, that priest must remain silent and legally that is OK because the law allows it, but that may now…Feb 54Feb 54