I get that you might indeed sincerly believe that it was the MAGA folks who brought the vax, but this unfortunately is just not the case.
The actual development of it all is very much in the public domain and well documented. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_COVID-19_vaccine_development
Operation "warp speed" was a disaster of ephic proportions when it came to actual distribution. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/01/17/crash-landing-of-operation-warp-speed-459892
With a body count of over 700,000 the clear root cause is very much down to the utter incompetence of the response to it all by Mr T and has administration. It need not of been like this. The New England Journal of Medicine published an editorial in which it said the Trump administration had “recklessly squandered lives” and “largely claimed immunity for their actions”. To be this critical was a first for them in their two centuries of history https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMe2029812
Am I angry about such incompetence? Damn right I am, and so should you be.
The stunning silence on the matter by evangelical pastors (73%), something that is literally life and death, is a bit of a contrast to many others who encouraged people to get vaccinated. What am I to conclude from it, that they don't simply want to tell their flock about their maker, but that they also want them to go meet him personally?