You appear to have misunderstood my comment.
I'm not suggesting that Elon made a claim regarding Joe Biden.
I agree he was discussing the moderation policy.
My point was this - the core of the original New York Post article was the suggestion that Joe Biden had acted in an illegal unethical manner. That was fake news, and so a request to remove potentially damaging information that is not factual is wholly reasonable.
Politicians asking, not demanding or insisting, but simply asking, for information that is not factual to be removed is not actually breaking any laws.
FYI ... CBS News commissioned an independent audit of the laptop contents. They obtained a clean copy directly from the repair shop guy. It did not match the various other versions in circulation that very clearly had been manipulated.
Be aware that this entire laptop saga is a very hot topic and a great deal of disinformation concerning it is in circulation.
Come next Jan this is all going to heat up even further.